
Human Fibrinogen 1, 2, & 3

Human Fibrinogen non-reduced (1ug) and reduced (2ug)
PageRuler Protein Ladder (140, 115, 80, 70, 50, 40, 30, 25, 15, 10)

Human Fibrinogen (Factor I)
Catalog Number: FIB 1, FIB 2, FIB 3
Size: 1.0 gram


Conversion of soluble fibrinogen to the insoluble fibrin is the final step in the blood coagulation cascade. ERL offers three types of purified fibrinogen prepared by a combination of salt precipitation, affinity chromatography and immunoaffinity chromatography methods to suit the individual researcher’s needs. All three forms are >95% clottable (by functional assays) and purity is >95% by SDS-PAGE.

  • FIB 1 Plasminogen Depleted
  • FIB 2 Plasminogen and von Willebrand Factor Depleted
  • FIB 3 Plasminogen, von Willebrand Factor and Fibronectin Depleted

Buffer composition = 20 mM Sodium Citrate-HCl/pH 7.4
Extinction Coefficient (1%) = 15.1
Molecular Weight = 330,000 daltons

Also available: Peak ‘1’ (XIII free) and Peak ‘2’ Fibrinogen
Human Fibrinogen 1 Sample Certificate of Analysis
Human Fibrinogen 2 Sample Certificate of Analysis
Human Fibrinogen 3 Sample Certificate of Analysis


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